History of Internet Website

What is the Internet?
Formal Definition:

The Internet, a loosely-organized international collaboration of autonomous, interconnected networks, supports host-to-host communication through voluntary adherence to open protocols and procedures defined by Internet Standards.

My Definition:

A collection of multiple different pieces of computer and non-computer equipment talking to one another by means of a communications network either wired or wireless.

When did the Internet start?
  • Key Dates:
    • Oct 4, 1957 – Russia puts Sputnik into orbit.
    • Feb 7, 1958 – Space exploration assigned toAdvanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
    • Oct 1, 1958 – NASA opens for business via Eisenhower executive order
    • July 1961 – Leonard Kleinrock of MIT – First paper on packet switching theory.
    • August 1962 – J.C.R. Licklider of MIT – memos on “Galactic Network Concept”
    • Oct 1969 – Larry Roberts – heads project that connects first two ARPANET sites – UCLA and Stanford Research Institute.
    • Oct 1972 – Bob Kahn – demonstrates ARPANET at the International Computer Communication Conference (ICCC)
Internet Breakthroughs
  • Dates:
    • March 1972 – Ray Tomlinson – First basic email program using “@”
    • May 1974 – Vinton Cerf & Ray Kahn - A Protocol for Packet Network Interconnection
    • 1978 – TCP and IP split
    • 1980 – Tim Berners-Lee – writes predecessor to WWW
    • Nov 1983 – Jon Postel, Paul Mockapedis, and Craig Partridge design the Domain Name System (DNS)
    • 1990 – Tim Berners-Lee creates World Wide Web
    • 1993 – Marc Andreesen – Develops Mosaic web browser
    • 1996 – Microsoft vs Netscape - Browser wars

This page, except for the image, is simply a copy of the slides of the powerpoint provided as I do not know what else to do with this content. All of this content was provided by Arthur H. Hendela, Ph.D., Professor of Practice, NJIT.